Profile Management
- How do I sign up my child for StageAgent?
- How many points do I need to earn a new badge?
- How can I include my agent's contact information on my resume?
- How can I update my profile display name?
- How do I hide my profile?
- What is the difference between Contact Email and Account Email?
- How do I print my resume?
- How do I select a custom URL for my profile?
- How do I convert my profile information into a printer-friendly resume?
- How can I include a link to my PDF resume on my profile?
- How to I display my credits and experience on my profile?
- How do I add or change my profile photos?
- How do I display my skills on my profile?
- How do I update my gender or age range?
- How do I display links on my profile to my personal website and social media accounts?
- How do I download templates to edit my resume offline?
- How do add my physical description?